Sources of Our Data

Last updated: June 05, 2024

At ProspectLens, we are committed to transparency and ethical data practices. All the data we collect is sourced exclusively from publicly available information on the internet. This approach ensures that our methods comply with legal standards and respect individual privacy.

1. Type of Data We Collect

We focus on gathering only non-sensitive, publicly accessible information to enhance B2B connections. We specifically collect data related to small businesses, freelancers, independents, and agencies. The types of data we collect include:

  • Social media names.

  • Usernames.

  • Profile links.

  • Email addresses.

We do not collect personal information from individuals who are not engaged in business activities. This selective approach helps ensure that our data serves B2B purposes exclusively. We also believe in enabling our users to conduct informed outreach, which is why we also provide the source for each prospect listed in our database. This feature allows you to verify the accuracy and relevance of the data independently.

2. Data Use and Privacy

We provide the source for each prospect in our database, allowing you to verify the accuracy and relevance of the data independently. We do not collect sensitive information such as phone numbers, age, gender, sexual orientation, or exact locations. Our commitment to privacy and ethical data use is foundational to our operations, ensuring compliance with GDPR and other relevant data protection regulations.

3. Opting Out

We respect the right to privacy and offer an easy option for businesses and individuals to opt out of our database. If you wish to have your data removed, please contact us at We process opt-out requests promptly, ensuring that your information is deleted from our records as quickly as possible.